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Electricity and electronics

Discover our wide range of electrical products!

Here you will find boat control panels of all kinds, LED and standard lighting for various purposes, remote controls, screens/displays, sensors, batteries, sockets and much more. We also offer accessories such as seals and state-of-the-art systems that optimise the condition and improve the performance of the battery.
You will find: tools and work equipment; navigation equipment and parts; accumulators; lighting and signalling; solar systems, generators and equipment; air conditioning, heating, water purifiers and equipment; various electrical materials, pumps, floats and displays; audio-video equipment; refrigerators, boilers and appliances; platforms, control systems for jetties and the like.

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Pitter putnička agencija d.o.o.
Tkon 88
23212 Tkon, Croatia

Office Hours:
8:00 am - 3:00 pm (Mon - Fri)
8:00 am - 1:00 pm (Sat)

Phone: +385 23 687 494


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